Black Week até -55% em produtos no período de 29.11 a 02.12

Adesivo: Cachoeira artificial e estátua no jardim

Adesivo Cachoeira artificial e estátua no jardim
Cachoeira artificial e estátua no jardim.
Autor: ©
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Outros tópicos:
o cenário, beatiful, feito, artificial, botânico, paisagens, selva, ambiente, Ásia
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tree lizard remained on the tree and remained motionless, waiting for his prey.
tree lizard remained on the tree and remained motionless, waiting for his prey.
tree lizard remained on the tree and remained motionless, waiting for his prey.
Erawan waterfall National Park Kanjanaburi Thailand
Cachoeira da paisagem em florestas tropicais. Parque nacional de Namtok Phlio, Chanthaburi em Tailândia.
tree lizard remained on the tree and remained motionless, waiting for his prey.
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
Wooden floor in front of the artificial waterfall and statue at the garden
The pattern of the leaves under the sun's light reflects the beautiful nature.
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
The image of a beautiful blossoming branch of jasmine
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
tree lizard remained on the tree and remained motionless, waiting for his prey.
tree lizard remained on the tree and remained motionless, waiting for his prey.
The pattern of the leaves under the sun's light reflects the beautiful nature.
The dragonfly in blur background
Huai Mae Khamin Waterfall Srinakarin Dam, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Huai Mae Khamin Waterfall Srinakarin Dam, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Huai Mae Khamin Waterfall Srinakarin Dam, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Huai Mae Khamin Waterfall Srinakarin Dam, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Nature rafting in a dam in Kanchanaburi,Thailnd
bamboo forest with glorious morning sunshine
The pattern of the leaves under the sun's light reflects the beautiful nature.
Huai Mae Khamin Waterfall Srinakarin Dam, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
The pattern of the leaves under the sun's light reflects the beautiful nature.
Huai Mae Khamin Waterfall Srinakarin Dam, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
bamboo forest with glorious morning sunshine
Huai Mae Khamin Waterfall Srinakarin Dam, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Large trees, many decades old, provide shade and habitat for animals, as well as help control the abundance of nature.
The pattern of the leaves under the sun's light reflects the beautiful nature.
Top View of Fern bush
Top View of Fern bush
Large trees, many decades old, provide shade and habitat for animals, as well as help control the abundance of nature.
Huai Mae Khamin Waterfall Srinakarin Dam, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Huai Mae Khamin Waterfall Srinakarin Dam, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Huai Mae Khamin Waterfall Srinakarin Dam, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Huai Mae Khamin Waterfall Srinakarin Dam, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Cactus is a plant that lives in arid land such as desert, can tolerate drought well, there are many species
Landscape with trees, reflecting in the water
Nature trail in the rainforest of Thailand
Nature trail in the rainforest of Thailand
Cape of Good Hope or Dracaena is an indoor plant to purify the air
Artificial waterfall and statue at the garden
Artificial waterfall and statue at the garden
Artificial waterfall and statue at the garden
Kao Chon Waterfall (Kao Joan Waterfall) is a famous waterfall of Suan Phueng District, Ratchaburi Province, Thailand.
Kao Chon Waterfall (Kao Joan Waterfall) is a famous waterfall of Suan Phueng District, Ratchaburi Province, Thailand.
Kao Chon Waterfall (Kao Joan Waterfall) is a famous waterfall of Suan Phueng District, Ratchaburi Province, Thailand.
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
Waterfalls in the rain forest at the end of the rainy season in Thailand
The pattern of the leaves under the sun's light reflects the beautiful nature.
The pattern of the leaves under the sun's light reflects the beautiful nature.
lotus leaf with water drop in soft afternoon light
The pattern of the leaves under the sun's light reflects the beautiful nature.
Erawan waterfall National Park Kanjanaburi Thailand
Hibiscus Tropical flower in garden
The pattern of the leaves under the sun's light reflects the beautiful nature.
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Descrição do produto

Adesivo clássico

O adesivo clássico é impresso em papel autoadesivo. Graças aos nossos adesivos, você pode mudar rapidamente a aparência chata de paredes, móveis, portas, janelas, notebooks e eletrodomésticos. É possível cortar o tema após um esboço - entre em contato conosco.

  • ✓ Flexível e durável
  • ✓ Rápida mudança da disposição do interior
  • ✓ Impressão opaca (os elementos temáticos em branco permanecerão visíveis)

Largura máxima do painel: 133cm. Quando o tamanho excede a largura máxima, a impressão consistirá em várias folhas pares
Aplicação: paredes lisas e uniformes e superfícies lisas de móveis, janelas ou eletrodomésticos
Método de limpeza: com um pano úmido
Acabamento: semi-fosco

Adesivo vitral­

O adesivo de vitral é impresso em uma película transparente, graças à qual obtemos o efeito de um vitral colorido. É recomendado como decoração de janelas, portas de vidro, peças de móveis de vidro (guarda-roupas, cômodas, mesas) e decoração de paredes com uma superfície lisa e de apenas uma cor. O adesivo pode ser cortado após um esboço. Para esse fim, entre em contato com o atendimento ao cliente.

  • ✓ Decoração transparente
  • ✓ Flexível e durável
  • ✓ Rápida mudança da disposição do interior
  • ✓ Decoração transparente - os elementos brancos do tema são completamente transparentes

Largura máxima do painel: 133cm. Quando o tamanho excede a largura máxima, a impressão consistirá em várias folhas pares
Aplicação: paredes lisas e uniformes; superfícies de vidro ou acrílico
Método de limpeza: com um pano úmido
Acabamento: brilhante
Opção FrontStick: Uma opção adicional disponível mediante solicitação é a posição da cola do adesivo no lado da impressão. Esta decoração será fantástica para ser colada numa superfície de vidro por dentro. Se você se decidir por isso, entre em contato conosco. Opção paga adicionalmente

Adesivo magnético

O adesivo magnético é feito em uma base magnética. Isso significa que pode ser montado e desmontado livremente. Com a ajuda de adesivos magnéticos, podemos decorar superfícies metálicas (por exemplo, eletrodomésticos, geladeiras) sem usar cola ou fita adesiva. O material flexível facilita a aplicação de decorações gráficas.

  • ✓ Várias utilizações
  • ✓ Instalação sem cola ou fita adesiva
  • ✓ Flexível e durável
  • ✓ Rápida mudança da disposição do interior

Largura máxima do painel: 125cm. Quando o tamanho exceder a largura máxima, a impressão consistirá em várias folhas pares
Aplicação: decoração de eletrodomésticos, superfícies metálicas
Método de limpeza: com um pano úmido
Acabamento: semi-fosco

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